Jurnal Usuluddin https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUD <p><strong>Jurnal Usuluddin</strong> (ISSN: 1394-3723, E-ISSN: 0128-0708) adalah jurnal akademik berwasit dwi-tahunan yang diterbitkan oleh Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Ia menerbitkan makalah ilmiah dalam bidang Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam, Pengajian al-Qur'an dan al-Hadith, Sejarah dan Tamadun Islam serta Dakwah dan Pembangunan Insan dalam bahasa Melayu, Inggeris dan Arab.</p> <p><strong>Journal of Usuluddin</strong> (ISSN: 1394-3723, E-ISSN: 0128-0708) is a referred biannual open-access blind-peer-reviewed research journal published by Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. It publishes scholarly articles on `Aqidah and Islamic Thought, Qur'anic and Prophetic Tradition Studies, Islamic History and Civilisation, Da`wah and Human Development in Malay, English, and Arabic.</p> <div class="gs"> <div class=""> <div id=":4c2" class="ii gt"> <div id=":4c1" class="a3s aXjCH "> <div dir="rtl"> <p style="text-align: right;"><strong>مجلة أصول الدين</strong> هي مجلة محكمة تصدرها أكاديمية الدراسات الإسلامية بجامعة ملايا بكوالا لمبور-ماليزيا, مرتين في السنة . تنشر المجلة الأبحاث العلمية في مجال العقيدة والفكر الإسلامي, والدراسات القرآنية والحديثية, والتاريخ والحضارة الإسلامية, والدعوة والتنمية البشرية, باللغة الملايوية والعربية والإنجليزية.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="gs"> <div class=""> <div id=":4c2" class="ii gt"> <div id=":4c1" class="a3s aXjCH "> <div class="yj6qo"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p><span style="font-family: verdana; font-size: small;"><strong>E-ISSN : 0128-0708</strong></span><br /><strong>ISSN : 1394-3723</strong><br /><strong>Publisher: Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya</strong><br /><strong>Publication type: Online</strong><br /><strong>Publication frequency: 2 time(s) per year (June &amp; December)</strong></p> <p> <img src="https://ejournal.um.edu.my/public/site/images/jurnalusuluddin/mycite-logo_1_orig33.png" alt="" /> </p> en-US syukri1990@um.edu.my (Dr. Mohd Syukri bin Zainal Abidin) jurnalusuluddin@um.edu.my (Jurnal Usuluddin) Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Implementasi Kurikulum al-Syahadah al-Ulya Ulul Albab Melalui Kitab Bidayah al-Hidayah dalam Kerangka Pemikiran Tasawuf al-Ghazali https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUD/article/view/48218 <p>The Malaysian Ministry of Education (MOE) has made strides in dignifying turath education in the mainstream curriculum in 2018. The turath curriculum is called the al-Syahadah al-Ulya Ulul Albab Curriculum (SUUA) which is currently implemented at Sekolah Menengah Imtiaz Yayasan Terengganu, Besut, Terengganu (SMIYTB). The SUUA curriculum is also a continuation of the Tahfiz Integrated Curriculum (KBT) which started in 2014 for selected students. In the SUUA Curriculum, there are Islamic Studies subjects that contain 4 main areas, namely the Tawhid, Fiqh, Akhlak and Sirah. Akhlak is a field of sufism that uses the book Bidayah al-Hidayah written by al-Ghazali as a curriculum according to the appropriateness that has been outlined. Al-Ghazali is a very famous figure in the Malay world, especially in the field of sufism. His writing is used as a curriculum, teaching and learning material, research and practiced by the community in the Malay world. The SUUA Curriculum, especially in the field of sufism, is very important in the development of students' morals and values as a generation of ulama. This study was conducted to see the comparison of the SUUA Curriculum in the subjects of Turath Dirasat Islamiah, especially the field of akhlak with the book of Bidayah al-Hidayah. The study was conducted qualitatively with research on literature and document analysis. The results of the study found that in the SUUA Curriculum at SMIYTB through the subject of Turath Dirasat Islamiah in the field of akhlak, al-Ghazali's thought is implemented through the book Bidayah al-Hidayah to students. However, it was implemented selectively because the introductory chapter, the third chapter and the closing chapter were not placed from the original content of the book Bidayah al-Hidayah. Therefore, there is a need and recommendation to include the introductory chapter, the third chapter and the closing chapter from the original content of the book Bidayah al-Hidayah into the SUUA curriculum so that students can implement al-Ghazali's thought which is suitable for the upper secondary level</p> Ahmad Handhalas Shamsuddin, Che Zarrina Sa'ari, Mohd Syukri Zainal Abidin Copyright (c) 2024 https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUD/article/view/48218 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Teori Taksonomi Bloom serta Cabaran Guru Pendidikan Islam dalam Mengaplikasi Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi (KBAT) Pengajaran Akidah Menurut Perspektif Jurulatih Utama Negeri (JU) Sekolah Rendah dan Menengah https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUD/article/view/50639 <p>The emphasis on critical thinking skills remains the primary focus in 21st-century thinking skills. However, the implementation of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is deemed not fully achievable yet by Islamic Education teachers (GPI) in the teaching and learning sessions of the aqidah field. This study focuses on the challenges faced by Islamic Education teachers instructing the aqidah field based on the Document of Content and Assessment Standards (DSKP), as per the perspectives of State trainers (JU). The research design employs a semi-structured interview method, and the gathered data is thematically analyzed using ATLAS.ti V8 software. Ten participants were selected to represent five zones in Malaysia. These State trainers are expert teachers with extensive experience in Islamic religious education, recognized under the Ministry of Education Malaysia. The selected zones include one participant from a primary school and one from a secondary school in the Northern, Southern, Eastern, Central, and East Malaysia (Sabah) zones. Findings indicate that integrating Bloom's taxonomy framework into HOTS aqidah teaching faces challenges for GPI due to three major obstacles: individual teacher aspects, internal and external administrative issues, and student aspects with various interpretations.</p> Pauzi Yusoff, Mohd Fauzi Hamat, Mohamad Azrien Mohamed Adnan Copyright (c) 2024 https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUD/article/view/50639 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Konsep al-Huzn Para Nabi Menurut Psikospiritual Islam https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUD/article/view/46699 <p>The al-Huzn, which translates to sadness and is sometimes classified as depression by Islamic psychologists, is an emotion experienced by individuals when confronted with difficulties, often leading to a sense of deep sadness. These feelings are considered normal human responses to challenging or heartbreaking events. There is a question among some whether prophets also experienced sadness. This confusion stems from the perception that prophets, due to their elevated spiritual status and closeness to Allah SWT, may not experience sadness. This article aims to explore the concept of al-Huzn among prophets according to Psychospiritual Islam, and to illustrate the Islamic Psychospiritual elements through which prophets addressed and coped with al-Huzn. Article indicates that prophets did indeed experience al-Huzn, as interpreted by scholars based on Quranic verses relating to prophets' emotional states. The article also identifies factors that led to al-Huzn among prophets, as well as the effects resulting from these emotions. Furthermore, Islamic Psychospiritual elements are discussed as solutions utilized by prophets in facing al-Huzn. These elements provide a framework for understanding how prophets navigated their emotional challenges within an Islamic context.</p> Sharifah Basirah Syed Muhsin, Khairunnas Rajab, Murshidatun Nur Zainalabidin Copyright (c) 2024 https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUD/article/view/46699 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 الرد الرصين على نيازي عز الدين حول دعواه وجود أحاديث خطيرةٍ في صحيح مسلم: عرضٌ ونقدٌ https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUD/article/view/44188 <p>There have been many critics of the Prophetic legacy (sunnah) by deliberately targeting Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim [May Allah shower His mercy upon them]. The methods used by those critics have been manifold over the course of time. This article aims at exposing one of the modernists who claims to possess the knowledge of the sharia-based rulings and what such rulings imply as meanings and concepts enacted by Allah for us through His book and through the sunnah of the Prophet [PBUH]. Hence, Niyazi desultorily makes his own judgment and discredits the authenticity of the hadiths contained in Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim by claiming that they either contradict with the Quran or oppose one another by referring in all these to reason and logic. Niyazi Izz al-Din has authored several books, all of which have been dedicated to discrediting and criticising the sunnah with Din al-Sultan exclusively devoted to discrediting Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. He claims that there are three false or fabricated hadiths in Sahih Muslim that are detrimental to Islam and that the sultan benefited from rulings contained in those hadiths for his own interest. As a result, this article focuses on the three hadiths that have been discredited by Niyazi on three topics by way of explaining, describing and critiquing the claims made by Niyazi. The article refutes all the claims made by Niyazi by examining the following questions: are the three hadiths false as claimed by Niyazi? Were the three hadiths fabricated and inserted in Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim by the Sultan’s guards? Are the claims and criticisms laid by Niyazi against hadiths in compliance with the criteria and conditions set by the scholars in accepting and rejecting narrations. The article concludes that there are no false or fabricated hadiths in Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, that the hadiths discredited in Sahih Muslim are all authentic, that Niyazi does not commit himself, in his criticism, to the prerequisites of scientific research. His criticism lacks objectivity and is rather zealous and triumphant in nature in defiance of modernist and rationalist ideas. The article also warns against the misconceptions disseminated by the modernists and the treacherous approaches they use to discredit the hadiths contained in Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim.</p> Yasir Mohammed Ali al-Mashhadani, Faisal Ahmad Shah Copyright (c) 2024 https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUD/article/view/44188 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 دراسة موضوعية للديانات الوضعية: الهندوسية والبوذية نموذجا https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUD/article/view/48538 <p>Knowledge of the legislative sources of any religion is considered the primary outlet for knowing its truth, origins, and branches, and the only way to judge it by virtue and validity. A judgment of the thing is part of its conception and can only be imagined by looking at its source. Some religions agree about their messengers and resources and facilitate access to their isources while others do not, such as Hinduism and Buddhism. There is more than one opinion about their founder, the name of their religion, and their legislative sources, this study explores the legislative sources of Hinduism and Buddhism. The research adopts a library-based method comprising historical and analytical approaches. The results show that Hinduism is more accurately referred to as Alʼaryh, as the ancient figures like Buddha did not give it any other name. Also, for the term "Hindu" is used to describe anyone who follows it, and it is not related to the inhabitants of India or those who own cows, as there are many Hindus outside the country and countless numbers who do not raise cows. Regarding the personality of Buddha, the most correct opinion is that he was a philosophical man with no connection to prophecy. His actions and words support this view. The study concludes that both religions have original and secondary sources.</p> Youcef Bensala Copyright (c) 2024 https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUD/article/view/48538 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Contributions of Al-Shatibi, Izzuddin ibn Abdul Salam and ibn Ashur on Maqasid Al-Shariah: An Exploration https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUD/article/view/51893 <p>Maqasid al-Shariah is one of the unique disciplines of Islamic knowledge, particularly Islamic law. Maqasid al-Shariah is very important in understanding the true objectives of Islamic texts more comprehensively and accurately. Al-Shatibi, Izzuddin ibn Abdul Salam and ibn Ashur are among the leading figures who served as important references for contemporary Islamic law researchers. This paper explores brief biographies and contributions of these three important figures in Maqasid al-Shariah. The methodology adopted in this paper is qualitative research using library methods and the data were obtained from classical and contemporary sources of Islamic law. The findings reveal the lasting contributions of the three outstanding scholars of Maqasid al-Shariah. This paper, therefore, is likely to contribute immensely towards a new insight into the discipline of usul al-fiqh and understanding key important references and proper documentation in the field of Maqasid al-Shariah for contemporary researchers and students willing to specialize in the field.</p> Ibrahim Maidawa, Fa'iza Kabir Umar, Shuaibu Umar Gokaru Copyright (c) 2024 https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUD/article/view/51893 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Selected Discourses Relating to Non-Muslims: A Review of Madkhali’s Refutation of Sayyid Qutb https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUD/article/view/46517 <p>The attitude of Islam towards non-Muslims has been a subject of attention for contemporary Muslim scholars as well as the non-Muslim researchers. While the Muslim scholars are interested in presenting the just system adopted by Islam for non-Muslims, some Western scholars are keen on identifying the loopholes inherent in the Islamic system. Of the modern scholars who have contributed to the discourse, with much influence on the contemporary Muslim scholarship, are Sayyid Qutb and Rabi’u Madkhali. The former enjoys much patronage of the Islamists, while the latter is a diehard salafi jurist reputable for his pathological hatred and refutations for the Islamists and modernists. Against this background, this study reviews Madkhali’s refutations of Qutb over selected issues concerning the non-Muslims living under the Muslim rule. The study observes from the three issues discussed in this paper that Madkhali is under the influence of past black pages of the Muslim history when hostility and enmity were the order of the day, while Qutb represents more of the view of modern jurists, who need to face the challenges of modern state. The study recommends further investigation into Madkhali’s other refutations of Sayyid Qutb.</p> Nafiu Ahmad Arikewuyo Copyright (c) 2024 https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUD/article/view/46517 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Role of Songs in Promoting Interreligious Understanding in Multi-Religious Sri Lanka: An Islamic Aesthetic Analysis https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUD/article/view/52067 <p>The paper has chiefly examined the vitality of the aesthetic expression of the song and music to promote inter-religious understanding among multiple faith traditions that exist in Sri Lanka from an Islamic aesthetic point of view. It can be observed that there is a growing debate among scholars concerning the contributions of the expression of aesthetic aspects of human beings, especially song, and music, and their use of them for the harmonious relationships among the divergent communities of the nation of Sri Lanka. This entails a thorough study of whether the song and music can be utilized for that purpose from the Islamic aesthetic point of view. Against this backdrop, this study sought to investigate and explain how an effective song and music can be used to promote coexistence and interreligious understanding, especially among Muslims and Buddhists in Sri Lanka. This study used the qualitative research method relying on the library to collect the data from relevant literature on the subject and employed content analysis. The findings show that Islam is in a positive position in terms of using songs with music to promote peace and social harmony but with some restrictions. This also suggested optimising the aesthetic instruments in connection with other communities within the Shariah compliance. This study can be useful for decision-makers, educators, and religious figures who are dedicated to fostering interreligious harmony and minimising conflicts in Sri Lanka and other countries.</p> Mohamed Ashath Mohamed Shafeen, Arafath Careem, Ashker Aroos Copyright (c) 2024 https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUD/article/view/52067 Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800