JuPiDi: Jurnal Kepimpinan Pendidikan https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUPIDI Faculty of Education en-US JuPiDi: Jurnal Kepimpinan Pendidikan 2289-9669 HUBUNGAN KEPIMPINAN KETERLIBATAN PENGETUA DENGAN MOTIVASI UNTUK MEMIMPIN GURU: SATU KAJIAN RINTIS https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUPIDI/article/view/55509 <p>The purpose of this study is to get an initial understanding of the relationship between the principal's engaging leadership and teachers' motivation to lead. A quantitative approach with a survey study design was used in this study. The principal’s engaging leadership was measured using the Engaging Leadership Scale and teachers’ motivation to lead was measured using Motivation To Lead questionnaires. This study was conducted at several schools in Kelantan and had 40 respondents. Data was analyzed using SPSS. The analysis results showed that the principal practiced engaging leadership at a high level (M=3.90, SD=0.89). The connecting dimension was at the highest mean and the strengthening dimension was at the lowest mean. Meanwhile, teachers' motivation to lead was moderate (M= 3.39, SD=0.54) with social normative at the highest mean and noncalculative at the lowest mean. Correlation analysis showed a significant and strong positive relationship ( r = 0.626, p = 0.001) between the two variables. The Cronbach Alpha index for the Principal’s engaging leadership was 0.97 and the teacher’s motivation to lead was 0.89. Thus, the instruments are suitable for use the real studies and this study provides a preliminary analysis of the relationship between the Principal's engaging leadership and teachers' motivation to lead. This study implies that teachers' motivation to lead can be increased by motivating teachers to be leaders. Principals also need to wisely connect and strengthen inspiring teachers to give awareness to teachers so that they are confident to be leaders.</p> Zurinawati Hamzah Rosnah Ishak Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-08 2024-10-08 11 3 1 12 HUBUNGAN PENYELIAAN PENGAJARAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN GURU BESAR TERHADAP KOMPETENSI PROFESIONALISME GURU DI SEKOLAH KEBANGSAAN, PULAU PINANG https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUPIDI/article/view/55538 <p>This research used a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate the relationship of teaching and learning supervision by principals towards the professional competence of teachers in a national primary school in Penang. This research involved 100 teachers from primary schools throughout 5 districts in Penang, while 2 teachers from the same sample were chosen for an interview session. Quantitative data was analysed using SPPS version 28, while the Atlas.ti software was used to analyse interview transcripts. The research findings show a high mean for both variables, namely teaching and learning supervision, with the score of each mean being 4.21, and teacher professionalism, with a mean score of 4.29. Other than that, there is a significant relationship between teaching and learning supervision and teachers’ professional competence. Qualitative findings also provided three main themes in conducting supervision strategy by principals, namely communication and support, principals’ guidance and supervision effects. In summary, this research described how important the role of effective supervision by principals in increasing their teachers’ professionalism in national primary schools.</p> Nur Khairunnisa Mohd Noor Al-Amin Mydin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-08 2024-10-08 11 3 13 30 APLIKASI KAEDAH FUZZY DELPHI DALAM PEMBANGUNAN MODEL LITERASI KEWANGAN MURID SEKOLAH MENENGAH B40 MALAYSIA https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUPIDI/article/view/55539 <p>This study aims to gather consensus towards the main domains and position of importance for items for a financial literacy model of B40 national secondary school students in Malaysia. This study applied the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) to develop based on the consensus of 7 expert panels who were interviewed to build items for each domain based on a 7-point Likert scale. A questionnaire instrument was developed and spread among 15 educational and financial experts. Data was analyzed based on the Triangular Fuzzy Numbers. The ranking of each variable was determined using the Defuzzification Process. The study discovered that the consensus of experts exceeds 75% of the Threshold (d) value &lt;0.2 and α–cut is more than 0.5. These discoveries show consensus by experts on each item within the five domains, namely financial knowledge, behaviour, attitude, technology and Islamic finance. Analysis of item positionings showcases that there are items which retain their position. As stated, this study involves two new domains to measure financial literacy, namely financial technology and Islamic finance which were suggested by experts during the interview stage. The addition of these two domains aligns with the global spread of financial technology and Islamic finance respectively. The resulting domains and items are crucial in developing a financial literacy model to measure the financial literacy of B40 students in Malaysia.</p> Nor Huda Ahmad Puad Husaina Banu Kenayathulla Muhammad Faizal M. Ghani Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-08 2024-10-08 11 3 31 48 KORELASI BUDAYA SEKOLAH DAN KEPIMPINAN PENGETUA SEKOLAH DENGAN PRESTASI GURU DI SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS MUHAMMADIYAH MLATI https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUPIDI/article/view/55540 <p>This study employs a symmetrical correlational approach to investigate potential connections among school culture, the leadership of the school principal, and teacher performance at Muhammadiyah Mlati Senior High School. A sample of 30 teachers participated, with data collected through questionnaires and documentation, followed by analysis using descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The descriptive analysis of the school culture questionnaire revealed an average score of 59.50, indicating a good rating. Similarly, the school principal's leadership questionnaire resulted in an average score of 61.80, also falling within the good category. Furthermore, the teacher performance questionnaire showed an average score of 65.33 and classified as excellent. The correlation test, performed at a significance level of 0.05, yielded a significance value of 0.00, below the threshold of 0.05. Thus, the H_0&nbsp; is rejected. Consequently, it is concluded that a significant correlation exists among school culture, the leadership of the school principal, and teacher performance. These findings highlight the positive influence of school culture and the principal's leadership, suggesting their potential to enhance teacher performance at Muhammadiyah Mlati Senior High School.</p> Deny Hadi Siswanto Arga Bagus Pratama Dyah Aan Firmansyah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-08 2024-10-08 11 3 49 58 MEMPERKASAKAN PEMBELAJARAN PROFESIONALISME GURU PROGRAM PEMULIHAN DALAM KOMUNITI MELALUI PEMBIMBING INSTRUKSIONAL https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/JUPIDI/article/view/55541 <p>Training is a crucial element in ensuring continuous teacher professionalism in the Community-Based Rehabilitation Program (PDK). However, there are several issues in teacher training which include program executions which did not fulfil the aspects of the teacher’s actual needs in PDK. Hence, an approach based on training with an instructional guide should be taken. In this approach, senior teachers would guide, share best practices and ensure their colleagues achieve the best professional standard. Through this approach, teachers could learn the best approach to classroom teaching and learning. Based on this, this concept paper will discuss the concept of the training approach through instructional guidance and its implications towards PDK teachers, students and the program itself. This concept paper would benefit every stakeholder in PDK, especially by ensuring every educational staff member always applies the most effective teaching and learning approach and develops techniques that acknowledge students’ needs based on the guidance given to teachers.</p> Siti Shafiqah Rafiquddin Ahmad Zabidi Abdul Razak Madhya Zhagan Ganesan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-08 2024-10-08 11 3 59 69