A Real-Time Line Segmentation Algorithm for An Offline Overlapped Handwritten Jawi Character Recognition Chip

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Zaidi Razak
Khansa Zulkiflee
Rosli Salleh
Mashkuri Yaacob
Emran Mohd Tamil


Overlapped characters between upper and lower lines can cause a major problem in line segmentation of cursive characters such as Jawi (similar to Arabic characters). In this paper we will discuss our fast approach using a tangent value to find a separation point (SP) for accurate line segmentation without data loss. This approach will be used to design a dedicated Jawi Character Recognition Chip with the objective of obtaining 90% recognition accuracy.


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Razak, Z., Zulkiflee, K., Salleh, R., Yaacob, M., & Mohd Tamil, E. (2007). A Real-Time Line Segmentation Algorithm for An Offline Overlapped Handwritten Jawi Character Recognition Chip. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 20(2), 171–182. Retrieved from https://adab.um.edu.my/index.php/MJCS/article/view/6306