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The volume of water loss because of leakage in the conveyance pipe has been alarming. Old and poorly constructed pipelines, inadequate corrosion protection, poorly maintained valves, and mechanical damage contribute to leakage. Water-carrying pipes were buried underground, so tracing leak points manually could be tasking, if not impossible. This work was to report on the effectiveness of a developed Automated Leak and Water Quality Detection (ALWQD) system. This device can detect leaks in the piped water system automatically and can also report any deterioration in the quality of water that flows through affected pipes. The ALWQD consisted of several drainpipe connections, pipe accessories, electronic components, and sensors to monitor water quality impairment. The control signal was the solenoid valves that interfaced with the ESP-32 microcontroller boards placed on the pipe manifold at intervals, along with water quality monitoring sensors of turbidity, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), and pH. The fabrication and testing of the device followed standard procedures. Testing of ALWQD was done at 0, 5, and 10 minutes under load and no-load conditions, with average variation in reading recorded after three trials. The findings indicated that the efficiency of ALWQD was between 70% and 80%, which could be improved upon. The trend in the results of the monitored parameters was not different from that of similar previous work. Leaks caused pressure drops and disallowed the full flow of water found at pipe joints, which could be a pathway for the intrusion of contaminants into the water conveyance system.
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