Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies <p>The Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies (RIS) is a<strong> blind, peer-reviewed, and entirely open-access online journal published two times a year (June and December) beginning in 2022</strong> by the Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya. Previously, the publication frequency was three times per year. RIS welcomes manuscript submissions that cover multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies associated with Islamic studies, including but not limited to scientific research, technological advancements, historical analysis, geographical studies, philosophical inquiries, legal perspectives, literary analysis and interpretation psychology investigations into language acquisition and usage educational practices in Islamic societies environmental concerns impacting Muslim communities sociological studies on religious practices ethical considerations associated with Islam and comparative analyses between different cultures or religions. RIS encourages the submission of articles in various languages, including English, Malay, and Arabic.</p> Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya en-US Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 2289-6821 <p><strong>Copyright Notice</strong></p> <p>By submitting manuscripts to the <em>Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies</em> (RIS), authors agree to transfer copyright to the journal. However, authors may republish their work or grant others permission to republish it; in which case it should be accompanied by a proper acknowledgment that the work was originally published in the <em>Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies</em> (RIS). The journal adopt <a href="">CC-BY-NC</a> licence which authors may also share and distribute their article anywhere of <em>non-commercial</em> website, social media and repositories immediately on publication. </p> <p>Authors may also reuse the Abstract and Citation information (e.g. Title, Author name, Publication dates) of their article anywhere at any time including social media such as Facebook, blogs and Twitter, providing that where possible a link is included back to the article on the journal site.</p> Maṭla‘ Anak Bulan Menurut Perspektif Fiqh <p>Maṭla' in observing the moon crescent is an important process in determining the beginning of the Hijri month in Islam. From a fiqh perspective, the maṭla' of the moon is a significant issue that affects the Islamic calendar, especially in setting important dates such as the beginning of Ramadan and Hari Raya. The process of maṭla' involves thoroughly observing the moon's crescent to determine its visibility. This is typically done by experienced individuals who are knowledgeable about astronomy and the lunar cycle. They look for the first sighting of the crescent after the new moon, using specialized equipment or even with the naked eye with relevant criteria. The accuracy of this observation is crucial in determining the beginning of the Hijri month and the corresponding Islamic events. To determine the beginning of the Hijri month accurately, scholars form certain methods based on fiqh rules to identify the maṭla' of the moon. Different schools of jurisprudence have different opinions about the determination of the maṭla' of the moon, including the criteria for understanding relevant hadiths. A textual analysis has been done in this study to ensure consistency and accuracy in setting the beginning of Hijri month for matters of worship and celebration in Islam.</p> Muhammad Ridzuan Hashim Saadan Man Mohd Saiful Anwar Mohd Nawawi Copyright (c) 2024 Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 11 1 01 16 10.22452/ris.vol11no1.1 Pesakit Yang Tiada Harapan Hidup Menurut Perspektif Fiqh <p>The development of technology today has an impact on the social structure of society, especially those involving aspects of health, treatment, and end-of-life care. With the development of the latest technology such as the use of ventilators, Bi-Pap and C-Pap machines, blood pressure monitors, feeding tubes, beds and kidney machines and others have been able to guarantee that patients facing high-risk diseases will lose their lives (terminal ill), has gained new hope either from the point of healing or extending life span. However, there are patients who are in a position where there is no hope of life or more precisely called the level of medical futility. A series of issues arise from that that require a legal response. Among the issues is the position of stopping treatment for the patient, the party that has the right to make decisions on behalf of the patient when he is unable to make decisions, the rights of the patient and so on. Thus by using a qualitative approach by collecting library data. Then the data will be analyzed in a mixed methodology regarding the position of patients who have no hope of life and some selected issues.</p> Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman Muhammad Ikhlas Rosele Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen Shaikh Mohd Salleh Abdul Halim Ibrahim Copyright (c) 2024 Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 11 1 17 26 10.22452/ris.vol11no1.2 المُخَاْلَفَاْتُ الشّرْعِيّةُ فِيْ مُعَاْمَلَاْتِ الأَلْقَابٍ الجَاْمِعِيّةِ فيْ ضَوءِ قَاْعِدَةِ " الأمُوْرُ بِمَقَاْصِدِهَاْ <p>This research touches a large segment that has social weight in human societies. It addresses the educational process in universities and scientific centers; As the contemporary reality bears witness to the abundance of those holding university academic titles, who believe that these titles raise their status and social status, in light of the absence of a sound intention to acquire the Islamic sciences, in addition to the deterioration of their scientific, skill and intellectual levels. As their ego, material aspects, and colorful intentions took control of them; Scientific titles have become a kind of boasting, opportunism, and dictatorship, and they seek to obtain them by all legal and illegal means, even if it is at the expense of science, knowledge, and morals. The first and second sections were a prelude to defining the concepts of the title of the research, and the jurisprudential rule of “things with their purposes,” leading to the main research goal in the third section, which is the legal violations of academic titles in promotion transactions, starting with the title of “teaching assistant” and reaching the highest scientific title of “professor” or “professor.” "...etc. These violations top the process of academic plagiarism - about which much has been written - passing through more than twenty legal violations - neglected - and ending with scientific drought.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Qāsim Ṣāliḥ ʻAlī al-ʻĀnī Amer Abdulwahab Murshed Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 11 1 27 48 10.22452/ris.vol11no1.3 القيادة بين المنظور الإسلامي والأدب المعاصر في علوم الإدارة والقيادة <p>This paper employs an inductive methodology to elucidate the essence of leadership from the Islamic perspective, highlighting distinctive characteristics and traits of Islamic leaders. The study also presents and clarifies the five theories of leadership and their three styles from the standpoint of contemporary thought of management and leadership sciences. Additionally, it provides an overview of leadership in the educational field, The paper concludes by asserting that Islamic philosophy offers a unique model of leadership that differs from other theories. Islamic leadership is exemplified through the life, actions, and various situations of the Prophet, emphasizing its significant importance, great trust, and profound responsibility. Islamic philosophy mandates that Muslims choose their leader through consultation (shura), urging them not to leave the leadership position vacant for an extended period, as it may lead to significant corruption. Simultaneously, it prohibits individuals from seeking leadership or imposing themselves on the Islamic community due to the distinctive style of Islamic leadership, in contrast to other models in contemporary organizations and governments. Islamic leadership is characterized by moderation and balance, avoiding authoritarianism, rigidity, leniency, control, or absolute democracy. Unlike other worldly theories and philosophies, it is a divine philosophy distinguished by justice, wisdom, stewardship of the Earth, and responsibility towards God and creation.</p> Abdul Rahman Abu Bakr Ali Shaladi Asmuliadi Lubis Nor'Azzah Kamri Copyright (c) 2024 Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 11 1 49 66 10.22452/ris.vol11no1.4 Prinsip Utama Gerakan Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM) <p>The fell of the Khilāfah Islāmiyyah system had caused the emergence of Islamic movements on some Muslim country such as al-Ikhwān al-Muslimūn from the Middle East and Jamā‘at al-Islāmi from India-Pakistan. Meanwhile in Malaysia, Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) emerge as one of the Islamic movements. Before ABIM was founded, the predecessors of it was from an Islamic student movement which was founded earlier known as Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM). Nowadays, there are some activists’ movements trying to fight for Islam. Unfortunately, they were using false approach such as religious extremism and liberalism. These confusions were caused by the lack of clear and right principles in those movements. The purpose of this article is to state and elaborate the main principles held and practised by PKPIM. This research approach is qualitative. Content analysis and descriptive were used as research design. The data was collected through documentation and observation. The concept of<em> wasaṭiyyah </em>in Islam was used as the conceptual framework to analyse the collected data. It was found out that the main principles practised by PKPIM were in comply with the principles of <em>wasaṭiyyah </em>in Islam.</p> MIOR MUHAMMAD SYAHIR ZAHARI Copyright (c) 2024 Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 11 1 67 88 10.22452/ris.vol11no1.5 المباحث المشتركة بين اللغة وعلم الأصول في ضوء حاشية القطب الشيرازي <p>This study aims to highlight the efforts of Imam Al-Shirazi in linguistic issues and matters that scholars have discussed in the field of Usul Al-Fiqh (Principles of Jurisprudence) through his commentary on Al-Zamakhshari's interpretation. The personality of Al-Zamakhshari is controversial due to his opinions and interpretations. Scholars and researchers have examined his ideas and heritage through study, research, criticism, and commentary. This turned his book "Umdat Al-Nas fi Abwab Al-Lughah wal-Balaghah" into a subject of debate among them. Many scholars considered him as having a unique approach in addressing linguistic and rhetorical issues. Al-Shirazi is one of the prominent scholars in Usul and Furu' (Branches of Jurisprudence) who took the initiative to enrich this interpretation with a valuable commentary, especially in the linguistic aspect. This study concluded the extent of Al-Shirazi's interest in foundational linguistic discussions through both theoretical exposition and commentary, where his choices in these discussions were in line with the well-known opinions of scholars.</p> Mohamed Tahar Benabidi Thabet Ahmad Abdallah Abu-Alhaj Sedek Ariffin Copyright (c) 2024 Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 11 1 89 112 10.22452/ris.vol11no1.6 Penentuan Al-Awlawiyyāt Maṣlahah Dan Mafsadah Dalam Fatwa Perubatan Di Malaysia <p>Fiqh <em>al-awlawiyyāt</em> or priority fiqh is not a new idea of ​​science but has long been debated by scholars of the past and Islamic scholars. However, the terminology used for this knowledge was pioneered by contemporary scholars. The importance of applying <em>fiqh al-awlawiyyāt</em> is clearly seen when issues arise related to misunderstandings that occur in placing priority on branch matters. This happens due to the awareness of the general public who are more interested in reading scientific material themselves and at the same time are more exposed to various views of scholars. They are also more easily influenced by opinions that feel appropriate to themselves or their situation without referring to those who are knowledgeable. In addition, confusion also occurs in distinguishing between different times and conditions, leading to unbalanced prioritization. The purpose of this study is to examine the method of determining priority in comparing <em>maṣlahah</em> and <em>mafsadah</em> in medical fatwas in Malaysia. The methodology of this study uses a case study design. Meanwhile, the documentation method is used in data collection in relation to the study. Content analysis is applied in data analysis methods. This study also only focuses on some selected and appropriate medical issues. The results of this study show that a clear understanding of the determination of the law based on the current situation is an important matter to study and issue a method so that it can be applied correctly and coincide with the <em>maqasid syarak</em> when a problem occurs.</p> Sarah Aqilah Mazuki Mohd Shazni Abdullah Mohd Fadzhil Mustafa Copyright (c) 2024 Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 11 1 113 130 10.22452/ris.vol11no1.7 الــوبــاء والـــطــــاعون فـي الـــجـــزائـــر فـي الــعــهـد الـعــثـمـانـي (1671- 1830م): الــدايــات أنــمــوذجـا <p>This research aims to discuss the epidemics and plagues that afflicted Algeria during the period of Ottoman rule (1671-1830), their negative effects, the reasons behind them, how they spread in Algeria, and preventive measures. The significance of the study lies in addressing a crucial topic in the history of Ottoman Algeria, encompassing political, cultural, social, and economic aspects, highlighting the impact of plagues on both the rulers and society. Often coinciding with plagues are famine and unrest, leading to chaos, revolutions, and rebellions across tribes and even among the Janissary forces, necessitating their killing and assassination. The study faces three main challenges: first, the scarcity of Arabic and Western sources discussing the history of these epidemics in Algeria, with limited focus on Algiers and major regions, neglecting the hinterlands and southern desert areas. Second, questioning whether the Algerian government at the time bears responsibility for the treatment and prevention of these epidemics, exploring possibilities such as preventing infected ships from entering Algerian ports or implementing quarantine measures practiced in European countries. Finally, examining whether the Algerian government had the resources in medicine and treatment for these epidemics, or if reliance on fate, traditional herbal remedies, and the availability of essential necessities during times of epidemics was the norm. The study employs a historical methodology for the periods of epidemics and plagues, their causes, and effects. Additionally, it utilizes critical analysis to address treatment, prevention, and the political, social, and economic consequences of these phenomena. The researcher's key findings include attempting to gather scientific material from the limited Arabic and Western sources on this topic, understanding the causes of epidemics, and examining their adverse effects on Algerian society in political, social, and economic dimensions. </p> Ahmed Ould Beziou Ahmad Faisal Abdul Hamid Copyright (c) 2024 Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 11 1 131 148 10.22452/ris.vol11no1.8 Faktor Budaya Dalam Pembangunan Bakat Manusia Menurut Perspektif Islam: Satu Tinjauan <p>Islam emphasizes the development of human talents in line with individual potential and abilities. Each person possesses different spiritual and physical capacities (spiritual, emotional, physical and intellectual) within different environments. As we explore, these potentials and abilities are unique with specific characteristics. They cannot, however be optimally developed due to various constraints. This article aims to present factors influencing human talent development from an Islamic perspective. The study data obtained through document analysis method. The findings indicated that factors contributing to human talent development from an Islamic perspective are significantly influenced by both individual traits and the surrounding environment. These findings can serve as a guide in managing one’s talent to fulfill the gifts and potential granted by Allah to humanity.</p> Tajul Nizam Ibrahim Zaharah Hussin Ahmad Zabidi Abdul Razak Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 11 1 149 166 10.22452/ris.vol11no1.9