Jurnal Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam2024-12-31T13:57:27+08:00Professor Dr. Che Zarrina Sa' Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>AFKAR: Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam</strong> (ISSN: 1511-8819, E-ISSN: 2550-1755) adalah jurnal dwi tahunan (Jun & Disember) antarabangsa yang dinilai, diterbitkan oleh Jabatan Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Ia menerbitkan makalah dan kajian ilmiah berkaitan Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam merangkumi bidang kalam, falsafah, tasawwuf, perbandingan agama, mantik dan pemikiran Islam dalam Bahasa Melayu, Inggeris dan Arab. Jurnal ini diindeks di pengkalan data Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI-WoS), American Theological Library Association (Atla) Religion Database, Asean Citation Index (ACI) dan MyCite.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>AFKAR: Journal of 'Aqidah & Islamic Thought </strong>is an international peer reviewed journal published twice a year (June & December) by the Department of `Aqidah and Islamic Thought, Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. It publishes articles and research papers concerning `aqidah and Islamic thought, particularly Kalam, philosophy, Sufism, comparative religions, logic and Islamic thought in Malay, English and Arabic. The journal is being indexed and abstracted by Elsevier's Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI-WoS), American Theological Library Association (Atla) Religion Database, Asean Citation Index (ACI) and MyCite.</p> <p><strong>أفكار: مجلة علمية، دولية، محكمة، يصدرها قسم العقيدة والفكر الإسلامي، أكاديمية الدراسات الإسلامية بجامعة مالايا، كوالالمبور، مرتين في العام (يونيو وديسمبر). وتنشر المجلة مقالاتٍ وأوراقًا بحثية تتعلق بالعقيدة والفكر الإسلامي، خاصة في مجالات علم الكلام، والفلسفة، والتصوف، ومقارنة الأديان، والمنطق، والفكر الإسلامي، باللغات الثلاث: الإنجليزية، والملايوية، والعربية. والمجلة مرخصة، ومسجلة، ومفهرسة من قبل قاعدة البيانات سكوبس (Elsevier)، وفهرس الاقتباس للمصادر الناشئة (ESCI-WoS)، وقاعدة بيانات الدين التابعة لجمعية المكتبات اللاهوتية الأمريكية (Atla)، وفهرس الاقتباس لدول الآسيان (ACI)، وماي سيت (MyCite).</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>م</strong><img src="" alt="" width="173" height="59" /> <img src="" alt="" width="146" height="107" /> <img src="" alt="" width="161" height="46" /> <img src="" alt="" width="159" height="64" /> <img src="" alt="" width="158" height="56" /> <img src="" alt="" width="107" height="48" /></p> Intellectual Responses to Modernity: Navigating Anxiety and Authenticity in the Thoughts of Muhammad Abid al-Jabiri and Abdurrahman Taha2023-10-04T16:15:42+08:00Mohammad Syifa Amin<p>This study aims to unfold the intellectual dynamics within modern Arab thought, particularly during the second phase of the Arab Renaissance, which seeks to overcome civilizational anxiety in dealing with modernity. Rather than outlining the broad spectrum of modern Arab intellectual discourses—ranging from Salafists and liberalists to Marxists—this research focuses on the “epistemological approach” introduced and championed by two modern Moroccan philosophers, Muhammad Abid al-Jabiri (referred to as al-Jabiri) and Abdurrahman Taha. By engaging with the intellectual works of al-Jabiri and Taha, this study demonstrates how their readings and approaches to tradition (<em>turath</em>) provide alternative ways of overcoming Arab-Muslim civilizational anxiety and discovering authentic forms of modernity. While al-Jabiri offers a contemporary reading of tradition that advocates the Rushdian spirit, Taha emphasizes the inter-relational, ethical, and practical aspects of tradition necessary for building a solid foundation of Arab-Muslim ethical modernity.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Afkar: Jurnal Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam Racism: Toward Hamka’s (1908-1981) Perspectives in Tafsir al-Azhar2024-06-22T16:00:36+08:00Abur Hamdi Zainal<p style="text-align: justify;">Racism is an ideological belief that considers one’s race to be more civilized, advanced, intelligent, and moral than others. Race as an ideology, masked as a scientific and natural fact, is frequently used to justify inequality and the domination of one group over another. However, in the teachings of Islam, the concept of the division of people or human beings based on race, gender, skin color, rank, or descent is unacceptable. Currently, a person may comfortably and ignorantly use specific untrue terms to show that they are the ‘chosen race’ preferred by God as an honorable race compared to others. Given the use of race to justify social systems and behaviors are anathemas to Islam, the current article analyses the issue of racism using the views of a famous scholar from Indonesia, Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah, popularly known as Hamka, in his exegetical work <em>Tafsir al-Azhar</em>. Using the content analysis method, this article found that Hamka strongly emphasizes racial unity because humans are descended from one ancestry. In Hamka’s perspective, there is no difference between one or another group of people except <em>taqwa</em> (piety). There is no need to leverage differences but remain aware of the similarities of lineage.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Afkar: Jurnal Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam Immunity-Infection Arms Race: An Islamic Philosophical and Educational Perspectives2024-02-24T22:30:39+08:00Irwan<p>This article explores the interdisciplinary nexus between the Islamic philosophy of science and immunology, explicitly focusing on the immunity-infection arms race. Using COVID-19 as a case study, the paper elucidates the complex interplay between the immune system and pathogens, serving as a primer for Islamic scholars and non-scientists. It pioneers the Islamic philosophical perspectives into the understanding of this arms race, arguing that Islamic teachings not only align with but also enrich the ethical dimensions inherent in immunological studies. The article further delves into the educational applications of Islamic perspectives, advocating for a multidisciplinary approach that synergizes scientific rigor with Islamic ethical considerations. Methodologically, the article employs logical, theological, and philosophical analyses of extensive scientific and religious literature. The study offers a robust framework congruent with scientific and Islamic principles. The article holds practical significance beyond academic discourse by: (1) fostering potential collaboration among Islamic scholars, scientists, and educators, and (2) contributing to global health initiatives, particularly in Muslim-majority countries. Overall, it serves as a novel contribution to the interdisciplinary dialogue, revolutionizing the education of science and Islam related to the health and well-being of the Muslim community.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Afkar: Jurnal Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam al-Wujud’s Doctrine of Hamzah al-Fansuri in Javanese Literature: The Identity of Unity of Being in a Manuscript Entitled Miftah Nafisahlailiyatunnafisah@gmail.comAli<p>The syncretic doctrine of the unity of being of <em>kejawen</em> (Javanese mysticism) influence is predominant in the teachings of mysticism in Java. The unity of being, which is closely related to the doctrine of Sufism, is apparent in <em>Miftah al-Mannan</em>, which teaches the unity of being through <em>tariqah</em> (path of purity) mechanism. The totality of being by denying all forms of being other than God illustrates the doctrine leading to the controversial pantheism of al-Fansuri. Analysis of the content of <em>Miftah al-Mannan</em> can prove that al-Fansuri’s influence extends to various regions in Indonesia. This study aims to identify such extensive influence through a qualitative method using content analysis. The research revealed that the doctrine of the unity of being in <em>Miftah al-Mannan</em> is identical to the concept brought about by al-Fansuri, which denies being in the process of unity of being. Both concepts principally share similarities that underpin the unity of being due to a single source of events. God manifests Himself to all of His creation. To achieve the unity of being, the <em>salik</em> (traveler) is required to take <em>shari‘ah</em> to achieve <em>haqiqah</em> (truth) by means of <em>tariqah</em> (path of purity). The pantheistic unity of being indicates the expansion of al-Fansuri’s influence on the Java region. The existence of al-Fansuri’s doctrine also demonstrates that the doctrine of <em>wujudiyah</em> in Java is not only dominated by the syncretic and <em>kejawen</em> concept of <em>manunggaling kawulo gusti</em> (the unity between human soul and God).</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Afkar: Jurnal Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam Essence of The Ummah Principle: Islam and The Foundation of Inclusive Social Systems2024-11-10T16:15:58+08:00Yongbao<p>This article explores the essence of the <em>u</em><em>mmah</em> principle in the geopolitical dissemination of Islam during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This is achieved through an analysis of Qur’anic verses related to human nature and worldview, alongside examining the resulting international social pattern of “Unity + Plurality” as reflected in the Sunnah, utilizing both inductive and deductive methodologies. The research yields three key conclusions: 1. The Qur’anic principle of “no compulsion in religion” is a fundamental policy guideline for Islamic countries and governments throughout history, fostering harmonious coexistence among diverse communities. 2. Islam provides a successful model of “human rights + social standards” through the dualism of “metaphysics + physics,” integrating the spiritual and material dimensions of its teachings organically. 3. Islam constructs an inclusive social system rooted in justice, ensuring its functionality through the principles of “de-sectarianism,” “de-clanalism,” and “de-racism.”.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Afkar: Jurnal Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam Integration of Modern Psychology in Malek Bennabi’s Methodology of Studying Civilization2024-06-22T15:23:47+08:00Badrane<p>This research aims to analyze the integration of psychology in the methodology of Malek Bennabi in studying civilization. In order to achieve this goal, this study adopts an analytical approach to his writings. The study concluded that Bennabi, in his endeavor to study civilization and his adoption of civilization as an analytical unit for the problems of the Islamic world, constructed his civilizational perspective by integrating various sciences, especially the humanities and social sciences, in an interdisciplinary way. Hence, psychology was one of the sciences integrated in his methodology for studying civilization. The integration of psychology in Bennabi’s writings entails an interest in the pioneers of psychology, their concepts, and their methodologies both critically and implicatively.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Afkar: Jurnal Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam, Validity and Factor Structure of Fitrah Scale2024-01-19T11:56:42+08:00Akbar Husainprofakbar6@gmail.comFauzia Nazamnazamfauzia@gmail.comMubashir<p><em>Fitrah</em>, in Islamic psychology, refers to the innate disposition or natural state with which humans are created. This concept encompasses the inherent qualities of purity, morality, and the instinctive inclination towards faith in God. Understanding and measuring <em>fitrah</em> is crucial as it plays a significant role in shaping individual behaviors and overall well-being. Despite its importance, there has been a lack of standardized tools to assess <em>fitrah</em> comprehensively. This study aims to standardize a self-report measure of <em>fitrah</em> with a theoretical and empirical foundation applicable to a diverse Muslim population across various contexts and rooted in the behavioral psychological tradition. The article described the development and preliminary psychometric properties (i.e., reliability and validity) of the Fitrah Scale, an 18-item measurement with a 5-factor structure comprising Beatitude, Moral Uprightness, Devoutness, Innate Goodness, and Faith in God. The Fitrah Scale has shown good content, factorial validity, and internal consistency reliability (i.e., Cronbach’s alpha).</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Afkar: Jurnal Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam of Tasawwuf (Sufism) and Critiquing The Thesis of Transition from Zuhd2024-09-23T14:37:12+08:00Dheen Mohamed Mohamed<p>The origins of <em>tasawwuf</em> have long been a subject of debate in scholarly circles, with prevailing views suggesting that it emerged as a later development influenced by the concept of <em>zuhd</em>. This article challenges this commonly held view, arguing that such assertions are rooted in a superficial reading of Islamic sources and the earlier literature on <em>tasawwuf</em>. By probing deeper into the original sources and the accounts of classical Sufi masters, this article seeks to demonstrate that <em>tasawwuf</em> cannot simply be regarded as a transitional stage from <em>zuhd</em>, influenced by various internal and/or external factors. Instead, it is an integral part of the religion of Islam, embodied in the notion of <em>ihsan</em>, which is the spiritual ideal of Islamic faith and practice. In its discussion, the article will briefly touch upon what the author believes to be the factors that have led to the misreading and misrepresentation of the history of <em>tasawwuf</em> in both Western and many Muslim writings. Departures from unchecked preconceived notions, and the use of Western concepts and categorizations—belonging to a different cultural context—in studying <em>tasawwuf</em> are identified as some of these factors. By relying on original sources and employing a historical-critical method, this paper aims to clarify that <em>tasawwuf</em> is, in essence, the art of realizing <em>ihsan</em> in theory and practice. As such, it originated with Islam, though its nomenclature and organizational structures may have developed later.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Afkar: Jurnal Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam on Rumi’s Mathnawi and Ecological Spirituality: Introducing an African Perspective2024-06-22T09:54:38+08:00AbdulGafar Olawale<p>The <em>Mathnawi</em>, a thirteenth-century mystical poem by Jalal al-Din Rumi, is traditionally associated with Islamic spirituality, characterized by its rich imagery, metaphors, stories, and analogies. Despite its primary mystical and didactic nature, discernible elements reflecting a nature-centric worldview are evident within its verses. This article explores the extent to which ecological spirituality themes are present in the <em>Mathnawi</em>. Employing a qualitative analysis approach, it investigates how Rumi and his work are integrated into contemporary conversations surrounding ecological concerns, with a specific lens on Nigeria. Drawing from practical examples, the study explores the portrayal and utilization of Rumi’s insights within the context of Nigeria’s ecological landscape. Furthermore, it incorporates reflections on insights gleaned from indigenous Nigerian philosophical and cultural traditions, enriching the discourse on ecological spirituality. The inquiry contemplates the potential for incorporating perspectives from other African cultures and Islamic scholars into this dialogue. Ultimately, the analysis suggests that embracing an African perspective can deepen and broaden Rumi’s ecological conceptualizations of the universe, offering new insights and avenues for understanding and addressing contemporary ecological challenges.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Afkar: Jurnal Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam Women’s Humanity: A Comparative Study of Islamic Teaching and Societal Perceptions2024-11-10T11:54:05+08:00Abdulnaser Sultan Mohsen Mohammad Hilmi b Syed Abdul Safwan Aisyah<p>The societal perspective on women encompasses a wide array of beliefs, attitudes, and practices that influence their roles and status within various cultures. These issues highlight the gap between Islamic teachings and societal practices, underscoring the need for a deeper understanding of Islamic principles regarding women’s rights and the importance of addressing cultural biases that hinder women’s progress. Hence, this article explores the concept of women’s humanity within the context of Islam and society. It addresses the historical and contemporary treatment of women, highlighting the frequent justification of various forms of oppression and subjugation in the name of religion. The aim is to clarify the Islamic view of women and compare it with societal perceptions, examining the reasons behind these views and offering a critique. Through critically examining relevant issues, the study reveals the apparent differences between the Islamic perspective and societal views on women. It emphasizes the need to reassess women’s roles through the overarching objectives of <em>Shari‘ah</em> (<em>maqasid al-shari‘ah</em>), asserting that recognizing women’s humanity is essential for the renewal of Islamic thought and the reform of societal realities. Therefore, women’s issues in Islamic sciences (shari’ah) must be re-examined using a framework based on core Islamic sources, namely the Qur’an and Sunnah.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Afkar: Jurnal Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam Influence of Sufi-Centric Movements on the Flourishing of Islamic Plurality in the Indian Subcontinent2024-06-05T09:49:50+08:00Saeyd Rashed Hasan<p>This article explores the multi-faceted impact of Sufi ideological groups such as Deobandi, Tablighi Jamaat, Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama Nadwi, and Barelvi movements on the dissemination of Islam in the Indian subcontinent. It focuses on the educational contributions of Sufi institutions, particularly <em>Khanqahs</em> and <em>Madrasahs</em>, which were pivotal in spreading Islamic knowledge, including theology, literature, arts, and sciences. The study provides a historical overview of Sufism’s evolution in the region and analyses the distinct methods of Islamic propagation used by these four movements. Methodologically, the research employs historical analysis, primary source examination, and socio-cultural investigation to uncover how Sufi scholars facilitated spiritual enlightenment, fostering acceptance of Islam across diverse communities. Findings reveal that while Deobandi and Nadvi groups propagated Islam through <em>madrasas</em>, Tablighi Jamaat utilized mosques and outreach to non-Muslims, and Barelvi groups focused on <em>Khanqahs</em>. The study highlights the Sufi movements’ role in promoting communal harmony, religious tolerance, and peaceful coexistence. The research offers original insights into the socio-cultural influence of Sufi teachings in shaping Islam’s spread and calls for further investigation into their contemporary impact on interfaith relations in the region. Recommendations include strengthening Sufi educational institutions to foster peace and tolerance.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Afkar: Jurnal Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam Conceptual and Textual Analysis of Israf (Excessiveness) in The Qur'an and The New Testament2023-10-25T13:55:03+08:00Reda<p>The article explores the multifaceted concept of <em>israf</em> (excessiveness) within the Qur’an and the New Testament. Using an analytical approach, it examines the connotations and implications of <em>israf</em> in religious, moral, and social contexts. A comparative method is also employed to identify similarities and differences in how <em>israf</em> is conceptualized within the scriptures of Christianity and Islam. The study emphasizes fostering a balanced and moderate outlook on life, promoting sustainable use of natural resources, and nurturing harmonious human relationships free from transgression, oppression, and violations of divine laws. It provides academic insights into both scriptures shared religious, ethical, and social foundations, highlighting the adverse consequences of <em>israf</em> in its various forms. The findings underscore the role of the Qur’an and the New Testament in advocating moderation across different aspects of human life, contributing to the development of a virtuous and humane society in contemporary contexts</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Afkar: Jurnal Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam dan Matlamat Pembangunan Lestari (SDGs): Peranan Rumah Ibadat dalam Kebajikan Masyarakat2023-03-16T16:27:09+08:00Mohd Nazmi Mohd Khallinazmikhalli.nk@gmail.comMohd Farid Mohd Shariffaridusm@usm.myNoor Shakirah Mat Akhirshakirah@usm.myNorsofiah Abu Yean Fun Chow yeanfun.chow@usm.myPutra<p>The issue of social welfare has become a global concern, as neglecting it can threaten human life. As a result, this concern led to the creation of a global declaration through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)<strong>,</strong> which outlines the desire for mutual peace for the welfare of society. In this context, religion is seen as having the potential to sustain social welfare in the long term. This study discusses the role of religion through cooperative practices by Islamic and non-Islamic houses of worship in social welfare. The research method employs descriptive textual analysis based on literature findings, focusing on four religions—Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism—along with their places of worship, such as mosques, churches, temples, and shrines. The study presents the religious perspectives and the history of places of worship in managing social welfare. Generally, these four religions emphasize the importance of social welfare. Therefore, the houses of worship in these religions expand their roles, not only as centers of worship but also as spaces for the community to access welfare. These findings are supported not only by religious sources but also by historical records, which show that the cooperation between places of worship can continuously elevate social welfare. Thus, this study contributes to the field by advocating for houses of worship as welfare institutions for the benefit of society.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Afkar: Jurnal Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam Maqasid al-Tasdiq Ilmu Mantik dalam Penghujahan (Burhan) Sifat Nafsiyyah: Analisis Kitab Risalah al-Tawhid2024-12-31T00:49:30+08:00Ahmad Hafiz Ali Hasrul Hishamudin Wan Haslan Qahhar<p>This paper discusses the <em>sifat nafsiyyah</em> (essential attributes), one of the attributes that must be affirmed for Allah SWT, and the evidence applied based on the demonstrative principles of logic (<em>burhan</em>). This qualitative study employs a textual analysis method focusing on <em>Risalah al-Tawhid</em> by Abdul Ghani Yahya and Umar Yusuf, as well as classical works on <em>mantiq</em>, such as <em>Idah al-Mubham</em> and <em>Hashiyah al-Bayjuri ʿala al-Sullam al-Murawnaq</em>. The discussion focuses on a detailed explanation (<em>tafsil</em>) of the <em>sifat nafsiyyah</em> according to scholars of <em>Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamaʿah</em>. Logical elements, particularly <em>maqasid al-tasdiq</em>, are applied in elaborating the <em>burhan</em> (demonstration) of the <em>sifat nafsiyyah</em>. In conclusion, the detailed evidential exposition of the <em>sifat nafsiyyah</em> in <em>Risalah al-Tawhid</em> includes elements of <em>qiyas al-iqtirani</em> and <em>qiyas al-istithnaʿi</em> or <em>qiyas al-sharti</em> in proving the creativeness of the universe, substances (<em>jirm</em>), and accidents (<em>ʿarad</em>).</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024منهج محمد أبي زهرة في المسائل العقدية: دراسة من خلال تفسيره زهرة التفاسير2023-06-22T11:38:54+08:00Moh. Abdul Kholiq<p>Muhammad Abu Zahrah was a contemporary commentator and reformer from Egypt, committed to improving societal conditions through a correct understanding of <em>‘aqidah</em> (Islamic faith). This study analyzes Abu Zahrah’s method of addressing <em>‘aqidah</em> issues, as presented in his interpretation of <em>Zahrah al-Tafasir</em>. The study employed a descriptive-analytical approach to achieving this objective, conducting an in-depth analysis of selected <em>‘aqidah</em> topics in <em>Zahrah al-Tafasir</em>. The findings reveal that Abu Zahrah utilized a distinctive method in engaging with <em>‘aqidah</em> issues in his interpretation: i. clarifying the guidance of the Qur’an and <em>mutawatir</em> <em>hadith</em> as the foundation for accepting <em>‘aqidah</em>; ii. avoiding interpretative debates between theological groups; iii. maintaining independence from any specific theological school; iv. anchoring theological opinions in the guidance of the Qur’an; v. advocating an understanding of <em>‘aqidah</em> based on the perspective of the Qur’an rather than relying on speculative reasoning or philosophical logic. In general, Abu Zahrah adhered to the views of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah and was influenced, to some extent, by Ash‘ari thought. Although this influence is not explicitly stated, it is evident in some of his theological stances. His educational background at al-Azhar University likely played a significant role in shaping these views.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Afkar: Jurnal Akidah dan Pemikiran Islamالحداثة البديلة بين طه عبد الرحمن وبديع الزمان النورسي: دراسة وصفية مقارنة2023-09-26T16:54:12+08:00Sameer Abo Ali Gobaili Zainal<p>This study explores the concept of ‘alternative modernity’ in Islam, focusing on principles and approaches that Muslims can adopt to develop it and offering a contemporary perspective on Islamic thought. It addresses the challenge posed by Western modernity, which has significantly impacted the Muslim world by promoting the liberation of individuals from restrictions and overemphasizing rationality and humanization, conflicting with Islamic revelation. This has created a need for an alternative modernity that aligns with Islamic values. The study examines whether it can modify Western modernity into an Islamic version based on ethics and values. It focuses on the contributions of two thinkers, Taha Abdurrahman and Bediüzzaman Said Nursi, who attempt to provide an alternative modernity suited to the Arab and Islamic worlds by adapting Western modernity while preserving Islamic heritage. This research highlights the importance of critiquing Western modernity. It emphasizes the possibility of creating an alternative that integrates Islamic principles, rejecting rationalism alone and fostering a deeper connection with heritage. The study concludes that Muslim thinkers can critically engage with Western modernity, identifying its risks to Islamic societies and proposing an alternative that rectifies its shortcomings by re-engaging with heritage. By adopting a descriptive and analytical approach, this research aims to demonstrate how Taha’s Western modernity and Nursi’s ideas contribute to developing an Islamic alternative modernity for the Muslim world.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Afkar: Jurnal Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam Dichotomy of Juz’i and Kulli in the Subject of Islamic Theology: A Preliminary Proposal2024-11-09T22:11:15+08:00Fehmi<p>This article examines the inclusion of <em>kulli</em> (universal) and <em>juz’i</em> (particular) aspects in <em>kalam</em> (Islamic theology). Many theologians after al-Ghazali have emphasized the universality of <em>kalam</em> within the Islamic sciences. <em>Kalam</em> aims to offer rational justifications for the existence and unity of Allah SWT, the mission of the Prophet (PBUH), and the divine origin of the Qur’an. Other fields in Islamic studies require evidence from <em>kalam</em> to support their arguments, while <em>kalam</em> is considered a <em>kulli</em> source of legitimacy. However, some <em>kalam</em> issues derive solely from textual sources, similar to other Islamic sciences. This article presents these topics as a <em>juz’i</em> aspect of <em>kalam</em>. Studying past and present theologians' practices exposes methodological distinctions between <em>kulli</em> and <em>juz’i</em> issues. Given that <em>ahad</em> sources is utilized in specific subjects, it can be posited that the <em>mutakallimun</em>’s comprehension of ‘knowledge’ pertains to the <em>kulli</em> subjects of <em>kalam</em>. This differentiation may also contribute to distinguishing between <em>kalam</em> and <em>‘aqa’id</em>.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Afkar: Jurnal Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam