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Global ethic is an idea that claims an existence of one basic morality shared among people regardless of their race and religion since the beginning of humanity. It is founded on treatment among people that is humane and fair. From this foundation, the idea is elaborated into some attributes and criteria that form the moral framework that is collectively named as global ethic. To spread the idea, some activities are done under the Global Ethic Projects. This paper will review on the development of an organization that is directly related to Global Ethic Projects which is The Global Ethic Foundation. It will also examine activities and programs held, and also scrutinize the long-term planning of the organization in order to introduce global ethic to the world. The discourse will then be concluded with a summary on the current position of global ethic.


Global ethic The Global Ethic Foundation Global Ethic Projects Inter-cultural and Inter-religious.

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How to Cite
Che Nordin, M. K. N. (2016). A Review on the Development of Global Ethic Project: A Study on The Global Ethic Foundation. Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies, 3(1), 1–13. Retrieved from