The Effect of Flipped Classroom to The Higher-Order Thinking Skills and Chemical Engineering Students’ Perception on Environmental Issues
Flipped Classroom, Teaching method, Higher order thinking, PerceptionAbstract
The flipped classroom approach has been reported to enhance higher-order thinking skills in chemical engineering students, as evidenced by studies conducted over the past decade. These skills are crucial for addressing environmental issues and developing innovative solutions. However, many students struggle to articulate their thoughts and opinions on given topics. The flipped classroom method allows students to prepare in advance and make the most of their learning time, as outlined in the course information. This study aimed to evaluate student achievement and perceptions of the flipped classroom method, comparing it to the conventional teaching method to determine its effectiveness in improving higher-order thinking skills. A quantitative approach was employed, involving pre-tests and post-tests for unbalanced groups. Data analysis included mean calculations, paired t-tests, and ANCOVA tests. The results indicated that there was no statistically significant difference in student achievement between the flipped classroom and conventional teaching method groups. However, the ANCOVA test revealed that the treatment group showed an increase in higher-order thinking skills. Additionally, students perceived that the flipped classroom improved their knowledge, encouraged creative thinking, and reduced the time required to learn. Despite both methods enhancing thinking skills, the flipped classroom was more effective in helping students answer questions systematically and concisely.
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