Teacher Sharing Classroom (TSC) program for Asas Sains Komputer (ASK) Educators: A Pilot Study on Advancing Education Digitization in Perak
Co-teaching, Asas Sains Komputer, National Digitalization Policy, Mentor Teacher, Mentee Teacher, TechnologyAbstract
Nowadays, teachers need knowledge and skills to strengthen the quality of teaching and learning for students’ achievement. However, there are teachers who are novice teachers (mentee teachers) due to non-teaching options or lack of experience in teaching Asas Sains Komputer (ASK) subjects. In addition, constraints in terms of location and time cause mentee teachers to lack exposure and knowledge sharing from expert and experienced teachers (mentor teachers). Therefore, this study aims to improve the skills of mentee teachers in teaching and learning in the subject of ASK through a co-teaching approach. The Teacher Sharing Classroom (TSC) program is a teaching and learning sharing program of Mentor Teachers from other schools to mentee teachers from other schools that is implemented online using a co-teaching approach. This study was carried out quantitatively to 30 schools of mentee teachers who taught in Form 1, Form 2 and Form 3 and there are three mentor teachers. The findings showed that through the co-teaching method, it provides new knowledge to the mentee teacher. The worksheets and materials that have been used by the mentor teacher gave the mentee teachers a new idea to plan teaching and learning lessons for topics and understand difficult topics. In addition, the mentor teacher's questioning technique can stimulate students to actively engage in teaching and learning sessions in the classroom. In conclusion, this study provides a platform for mentee teachers and mentor teachers to exchange opinions and share teaching and learning techniques and strategies with each other. The study also supports the digital education policy where this study uses new methods for future education.
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